A method for Improving the Efficiency of Pear Tree Crossbreeding
刊名 Agricultural Biotechnology
作者 Jintao XU, Longfei LI, Minghui JI, Huan LIU, Lijuan GAO, Yong GUO,Yingjie WANG,Baofeng HAO
作者单位 Changli Institute of Pomology, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Changli
DOI DOI:10.19759/j.cnki.2164-4993.2024.02.008
年份 2024
刊期 2
页码 25-26,42
关键词 Pear tree; Cross breeding; Efficiency; Method
摘要 In view of the short blooming period of pear tree crossbreeding and the complexity of pollination process, a method that can improve the efficiency of crossbreeding of pear trees was provided. Meanwhile, this method can also be applied to the study of pollen xenia effect, pollination tree selection and pure pollen collection in pear tree cultivation.